Thousands of government and security industry and security and public safety professionals convened in New York City last week to meet with experts from over 350 industry-leading innovators and technical reps, at the Northeast’s largest physical and IT security trade show to check out the latest in security technologies.
A prominently featured Special Event on the opening day of ISC East, was the distinguished 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Homeland Security Awards Luncheon, proudly sponsored by ATI Systems, Attivo Networks, Automatic Systems, Desktop Alert, and SWORD Technologies, every one a returning Premier Sponsor from 2018.
The 2019 ‘ASTORS’ Awards Program surpassed expectations with a record number of nominations received from industry leaders and government agencies, and drew over 200 attendees to the ‘ASTORS’ Awards Presentation Banquet – an exclusive gourmet luncheon and networking opportunity which filled to capacity, before having to turn away late registrants.
The Annual ‘ASTORS’ Awards is the preeminent U.S. Homeland Security Awards Program highlighting the most cutting-edge and forward-thinking security solutions coming onto the market today, to ensure our readers have the information they need to stay ahead of the competition, and keep our Nation safe – one facility, street, and city at a time. (read more)