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Phone: 609-819-4747
Iris ID USA Office:
Cedar Brook Corp Center
8 Clarke Drive
Cranbury, NJ 08512
Tel: +1 609-819-4747
Iris ID South Korea Office:
Daerung Post Tower 1st,
Suite 512, 288, Digital-ro,
Seoul, 08390, Korea
Tel: +82-2-3289-5330 Fax: +82-2-3289-5302
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Office 707,
Metropolis Tower,
Business Bay,
Burj Khalifa St, Dubai, UAE
Tel: +971 50 6003354
Visit us at…
March 15 – 17
Hall 1-2, Kintex, Korea
Booth: D111
April 5 – 7
Las Vegas, Nevada USA
Booth: 3083
April 26 – 28
Windhoek, Namibia
Stand: C18
May 01 – 03
Washington DC, USA.
Booth: 306
June 20 – 22
Excel, London
Stand: C1000
Iris ID Wins Prestigious ASTOR Award
Iris ID’s IrisAcess™ 7000 has won American Security Today’s 2016 platinum ASTOR award for Best Facial/Iris Recognition Solution. The award from the magazine recognizes outstanding product achievements and new technologies to address homeland security threats.

“The ASTORs were conceived to recognize the most distinguished vendors of physical, IT, port security, law enforcement and first responders in acknowledgement of their outstanding efforts to ‘Keep our Nation Secure, One City at a Time’ ” said Tammy Waitt, editor of the online magazine. “. The IrisAccess™ 7000 was a deserving winner.” (read more)
Podcast: Canada Border Services Agency’s NEXUS Program Uses Iris Recognition
Iris recognition technology from Iris ID is helping Canadians registered in the NEXUS program to quickly pass customs lines as they travel to and from the United States.
To learn more about how Iris ID helps make this program work,
listen to our latest podcast.
Iris ID Biometric System Selected by U.S. Private Vaults
U.S. Private Vaults, A Beverly Hills, California-based provider of anonymous safe deposit box rentals, has selected biometric identity verification technology from Iris ID. USPV rents safe deposit boxes like those found at banks, but with two primary differences – customers are identified only through iris patterns and the facility is protected by multiple layers of enhanced security.
 When they sign up for service, USPV’s 800 customers are enrolled in the Iris ID system within three minutes. After a short introduction to the technology, they can enter the vault door in seconds during business hours to access their safety box. (read more)

World Class Iceland fitness center use iris recognition readers
IrisAccess™iCAM7000 identity authentication system has been installed in 12 locations of World Class Iceland, the island nation’s leading chain of gyms.

About 40,000 gym members are enrolled in the system, which includes iris scanners at access points such as main entries, VIP sections and spas. Bjorn Leifsson, World Class owner and managing director, said the Iris ID technology has resulted in faster and more reliable service than previous fingerprint scanners and access card systems. (read more)
Sharjah Co-Operative Society retail stores selects Iris ID cameras for Time and Attendance
At all the Sharjah Co-Operative Society retail stores in the United Arab Emirates, IrisAccess™iCAM7000 identity authentication system has been installed for employee time and attendance.

The retailer operates 26 stores with more than 3,000 employees throughout Sharjah, an UAE state, and the capital city of the same name. The outlets offer goods ranging from electronics to groceries. Iris ID systems in each store are connected to the payroll system at company headquarters, providing accurate reports of time worked, overtime and work absences.
(read more)