

Frost & Sullivan Presents LG Electronics IRIS with the 2009 Global Iris Recognition Biometrics Market Customer Value Leadership of the Year Award

by Earth Times,852141.shtml MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. -- June 8, 2009 — Frost & Sullivan selected LG Electronics, Iris Technology Division (LG IRIS) as the recipient of its 2009 Global Iris Recognition Biometrics Market Customer

By |June 8th, 2009|News|

CES 2009 – LG iris scanning lock

by butterscotch Eye scanning has been laissiez faire in sci-fi movies for years. Now though, if LG has it's way, you may soon be able to get rid of your front door keys in

By |January 19th, 2009|News|

Gemalto teams up with LG

by Global Identification Gemalto, a leader in digital security, announces its collaboration with LG in order to deliver smart card web server compatible handsets. Smart card web server (SCWS) is a solution developed by

By |February 8th, 2008|News|

Mohammed Murad, Vice President Global Business Development and Sales, LG Electronics Inc. Iris Technology Division

by FindBiometrics This was the first deployment where a government authority looked at the biometric technology and involved it in a social program which was for the benefit of the people. The program you

By |January 4th, 2008|News|

Experts eye up iris recognition

by Clement James, Iris recognition is destined to become most used and researched biometric technology, according to industry experts. US-based technology strategy and research consultancy, Acuity Market Intelligence, will make the upbeat prediction

By |April 10th, 2007|News|

New Biometric Security Card in Force

by Canadian Air Transport Security Authority (CATSA) OTTAWA, February 6, 2007 ? The Canadian Air Transport Security Authority is pleased to announce that the world’s first dual biometric airport identification program is operational at

By |February 6th, 2007|News|