Enhance Time & Attendance at Long Term Care Facilities

Maximize Resources. Increase Profitability. Improve Patient Safety.

Long Term Care (LTC) facilities face unique challenges managing personnel and contingent workers due to continuous operation, high employee volume and turnover, and strict compliance and regulatory standards. Legacy timecard systems and newer electronic access control systems used to track employee time and attendance are commonly applied solutions for documenting personnel, but with significant shortfalls. With dozens or even hundreds of employees on payroll at any given time, neither of these systems are accurate or reliable for time and attendance applications. And even worse, both systems pose other unseen liabilities due to human error and fraudulent activities that can put the facility’s staff and residents at risk. Common challenges include:

Time Theft and Fraud

When considering time and attendance at LTC facilities, one of the primary issues is time fraud – particularly when employees engage in “buddy-punching,” where one employee clocks in for another to avoid being docked for lateness or for not showing up for work at all. This dramatically impacts payroll, time and attendance records, and compliance.

Regulatory Compliance

Compliance with state and local regulations is another significant concern for LTC facilities. Accurate and verifiable time records are essential for inspections and audits. Additionally, employee certification updates must be meticulously tracked. Employees who have not renewed or completed certain certifications might still be able to gain access by using a coworker’s access or timecard, posing significant compliance and legal risk.

Unauthorized Access

Unauthorized entry due to access card handoffs creates further liability issues. Verifying that the person gaining access to a facility and/or logging into work is the individual they’re supposed to be can prove challenging unless the employee entrance is monitored 24/7 – and even then, mistakes can be made. Access credentials such as cards, proximity devices and even PIN codes can be easily passed between coworkers to gain entry to a facility and restricted areas like medication storage rooms. Worse, physical access credentials can be lost, misplaced or stolen, granting free and clear access to anyone who holds the credential.

Managing Disease Transmission

In LTC facilities, managing the transmission of germs and viruses is crucial since residents are often immune compromised. Physical access credentials, physical punch cards, and handwritten time sheets can contribute to the spread of disease. Minimizing these physical touch points is essential to maintaining a healthy environment for your residents and personnel.

Managing Contractors and Suppliers

Managing contractors and suppliers who need access to your LTC facility presents on-going challenges. Card sharing among contractors to simplify access is common, and it can expose facilities to numerous forms of risks and liabilities. Ensuring that only authorized personnel gain access to specific areas within a facility is critical for maintaining security and compliance.

Download our tip sheet to learn more about how to improve security and streamline time and attendance management at long term care facilities:

Image of Tip Sheet Cover

The Ideal Time & Attendance Solution: Iris Recognition Biometrics

Iris ID iris recognition biometrics deliver the extreme accuracy and identity authentication performance required for time and attendance and access control applications at long term care facilities. Employing iris recognition at your long-term care facility streamlines data management, improves security, reduces disease transmission, controls costs, minimizes liabilities, and more.

Accurate Time Records, Every Time

Iris recognition is the most accurate form of non-invasive identity detection and authentication available! The IrisTime™ iT100 offers multi-modal iris and facial recognition, identifying either credential within two feet of the reader. Managing time and attendance using iris recognition ensures that the person clocking in is exactly who they say they are – eliminating buddy punching. What’s more, since the time punch is recorded at the point of identification, inaccurate time records due to human error are completely eliminated.

iT100 iris reader mounted to wall

Automates Certification Compliance

Ensuring the employees caring for your residents are up to date on their certifications is easy with Iris ID biometric solutions. When an employee’s certification expires, their account can be automatically flagged and entry to any area of your facility can be denied – all without the risk of another employee passing off their credentials to allow them in.

Simplified, Accurate Access Control

With no physical timecard or physical access credential to pass off, using iris recognition for access control eliminates the possibility of unauthorized access through card handoffs.  This means only authorized personnel, contractors, and service providers can gain access, enhancing security and reducing liability exposure. What’s more, iris recognition readers can be installed anywhere in your facility and seamlessly integrated into virtually any electronic access control system, further safeguarding restricted areas within your facility.

Safe, Contactless Capture

Iris recognition is completely contactless, eliminating the need for physical cards and significantly reducing the spread of pathogens. With fewer touchpoints in your facility, you can help maintain a safer environment for residents and personnel.

Better Data Management

Accurate and easy data management is crucial for operational efficiency and regulatory compliance. Iris ID biometric solutions allow for easy import, export, and management of archived user data. Long term care facilities can easily retrieve and monitor time and attendance, and access records effortlessly, ensuring compliance and operational efficiency.

Seamless Operation and Integration

Designed specifically for time and attendance applications, our IrisTime™ iT100 combines both iris and facial recognition biometrics to provide a highly secure and accurate multimodal personal identification and authentication solution. For ease of integration with third party applications, the iT100 runs on Iris ID’s IrisTime™ open Android platform which accommodates hundreds of currently available time and attendance applications. IrisTime, also enables independent software vendors (ISVs) using REST API web-based applications to create custom software solutions to meet the specific needs of any organization. Iris ID also offers an Android SDK which allows apps to be developed and installed on the iT100.  This additional functionality provides complete customization of the iT100 – a feature not available on any other timeclock currently on the market..  From start to finish, the IrisTime™ iT100 puts complete control into the customers’ hands.

Private and Secure

Iris identification is extremely secure, accurate, private, and non-invasive. This ensures that user privacy is protected while improving the accuracy of your time records and the security of your facility.

By implementing Iris ID biometric solutions, LTC facilities can increase operational efficiency, improve time and attendance accuracy, ensure regulatory compliance, and protect the health and safety of both employees and residents.