
INTERVIEW: Iris ID’s Mohammed Murad on Contactless Biometrics in the Age of COVID-19

April 6, 2020 Iris ID is a leading provider of iris recognition technology, and as a result has racked up a number of partners over the years – from Honeywell to GenKey to Integrated Biometrics. Indeed, that last partnership led to the announcement of a multimodal handheld device supporting both iris and fingerprint scanning earlier this year. Nevertheless,

2022-08-31T15:56:19-04:00April 6th, 2020|News|

Choosing Biometric Technology for Use with Personal Protective Equipment

By Mohammed Murad Recently, we’ve seen video and photos of healthcare workers wearing personal protective equipment (PPE) — gowns, gloves, masks and goggles – to help protect themselves against COVID19 infection. However, healthcare isn’t the only industry relying on PPE to safeguard employees. PPE is commonly used in the manufacturing, mining and construction industries, and

2022-08-31T15:56:20-04:00April 6th, 2020|Blog|

Executive Interview: Iris ID on non-contact biometrics and privacy

Planet Biometrics took time out to speak to Mohammed Murad, Iris ID's vice president of global business development and sales, about the increasing prevalence of the modality and its important new application areas. Can you tell us about Iris ID’s history as a company, its ethos and global outlook? Iris ID developed the first commercial iris recognition

2023-10-24T14:48:50-04:00March 31st, 2020|News|

Report: Increased Reliance on Contactless Biometrics

By Mohammed Murad The impacts of the COVID-19 virus continue to be felt throughout more segments of public and private business. According to a leading global market research company, the COVID-19 virus pandemic is creating a “big moment for biometrics” as they offer contactless platforms for accurately authenticating a person’s identity. A recent report, “Taking

2022-08-31T15:56:21-04:00March 30th, 2020|Blog|

Empty buildings and offices are targets for criminals

By Mohammed Murad Many offices, retail operations, manufacturing facilities and other businesses are closing and sending employees home to work as the potentially deadly COVID-19 virus continues to spread. The contents of these empty facilities may become easy targets for criminals. Many of these businesses are protected by access control systems using traditional plastic access

2022-08-31T15:56:21-04:00March 23rd, 2020|Blog|

Welcome to the Smart Workplace

Quotes from Mohammed Murad in SDM magazine Iris ID, Cranbury, N.J., is incorporating biometrics to provide an end-to-end access control solution that bridges both physical and logical security needs. “Physical security has traditionally been focused on protecting assets such as people, facilities, equipment and inventory,” says Mohammed Murad, vice president of global development and sales,

2022-08-31T15:56:22-04:00March 12th, 2020|News|

Iris ID in Patient Identification

By Mohammed Murad The healthcare industry’s use of biometrics can increase security, privacy and efficiencies, lower the risk of mistakes and fraud while also improving patient outcomes. This is a rapidly growing market with global sales of biometric solutions expected to reach $14 billion by 2025. There are three industry areas – manufacturing, access control

2022-08-31T15:56:22-04:00March 10th, 2020|Blog|

Iris ID sponsors Connect ID and Demonstrates the Latest in Identity Technology

Accurately authenticating a person’s identity has never been more important at border crossings, airports, critical infrastructure and many other public and private sites for boarding an airplane, voting, conducting financial transactions – even getting paid for work. That’s why we’re seeing a huge increase in the use of biometric devices at many locations. Come see

2022-08-31T15:56:22-04:00March 3rd, 2020|Blog|

Learn how biometrics are helping government and law enforcement

If you’re attending the 2020 Biometrics for Government and Law Enforcement conference this week, stop by and see some of the solutions Iris ID is providing federal, state and local agencies. We’ll be showcasing our iCAM TD100  a USB  handheld, multimodal device used to enroll and authenticate a person’s identity in the field. It’s routinely

2022-08-31T15:56:22-04:00February 25th, 2020|Blog|

The security industry’s role in containing the coronavirus

How contactless biometrics could be used to help stop the spread of the deadly pathogen by Mohammed Murad With more than 75,000 confirmed cases and 2,100-plus deaths, the recently discovered coronavirus (Novel Coronavirus or COVID 19) has sent public health officials globally scrambling to find ways to contain what’s become a pandemic. While the virus

2022-08-31T15:56:23-04:00February 25th, 2020|News|